welcome to swifter's landing .......

welcome to swifter's landing


howdy hey, it's swifter. If you want to know more about me, or see my blinkies collection, check out my about page. this is my little slice of heaven on the vast sea of the internet. i've made this website as a way to learn HTML and this page has made the process extremely fun! it's been so rewarding to see this little island on the internet come together! check back for updates, make sure to answer the guestbook question, and thanks for checking out my website!

question... tell me on the guestbook, what have you been listening to recently?

as you can see, i love anime, comicbooks, music, movies, and videogames. i will be do nothing but blabbling about these topics all over my page if that sounds uninteresting.. THEN LEAVE! seriously though, this website will be going through many updates and face-lifts. Check out these little projects o' mine and have fun. (^0^)ノ


finish the homepage!

about page will include blinkies, a blog? buttons, and stamps, because im a e-hoader, piracy is promoted on this website my collection is your collection.

make my videogames page with a wii asthetic. any cool gaming resources i have. include favorite pokemon, favorite games, and what game im into now

comic book tab will have a section where you can pick up the comicbooks(start to learn javascript gag) link to my comicgeeks where you can see my comic collection i also will be putting what novels im reading or want to be reading.

movie tab will def have a whole page dedicated to spider-man 2 and others. links to my letterboxd still. page theme is in a crt tv and you flip through channels

possibly add a anime/manga tab, with character sheet inspo and just general illustration resources.

the music tab i might move the sotw here and have a link to my spotify, start making playlists again. foresty theme with bears

with time hopefully this website will find its footing. either way ill be having fun. (๑˘︶˘๑)

change log!

v.0.0.4 -
[24/16/10] learn enough abt css to section-out my homepage!

v.0.0.3 -
[24/10/10] literally just looked at gifs all day.. lol

v.0.0.2 -
[24/06/10] started reworking my homepage for it to look how i want and finding inspiration.

v.0.0.1 -
[24/04/10] added the first external links and customized those sites.

v.0.0.0 -
[24/01/10] swifter's first neocities site is UP!